These stacks were written with HyperCard 2.1. You will need HyperCard
2.1 (or higher) or a HyperCard Player to use them. Click on the
title and let your ftp utility take it from there.
CannonFire: The Projectile
Game. (100k) Many, many variations of the classic projectile game. It's a "big" download due to nifty graphics and sound. Highly configurable. Hours of fun! |
Kin-O-Matic. (4k) An algebraic kinematics problem solver. Enter three variables and Kin-O-Matic will solve the other two for you. |
Pythagorean Triangles.
(4k) Let's see... there's 3-4-5, 6-8-10, 5-12-13, and... I forgot the rest, so I wrote this stack. |
How Will it Fall?
(12k) An idea. A prototype. A model that could be developed for many other scenarios. |
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